ShapeGrabber SGCapture is a plug-in for SmartProfile that allows users to both acquire and evaluate scan data in a single software package. SmartProfile is the preferred solution for tolerance evaluation of 3D scanner data. The software’s proprietary algorithms minimize the measurement uncertainty of the scanner data and produce CMM-like data sets. SGCapture also offers:
- Automated Routines – Users can easily create automated inspection routines, for fast and repeatable part measurement. Automated routines cover the entire scanning process, from data acquisition to final inspection report generation.
- Intuitive Features – Align data sets from multiple scan sessions, achieving more complete part coverage. Generate meshes for third party applications, such as reverse engineering. Directly control scanner properties for optimal part scanning.
- CMM-like Sampler – The ‘CMM-like Sampler’ converts dense and noisy scan data to reliable, sparse, ’CMM-like’ point data for standard based dimensional and GD&T evaluation. This tool is feature and CAD model based, and samples points using the CAD model’s geometry information.