The data captured by ShapeGrabber 3D scanners is processed by leading 3D scanner software. These supported software products are proven to work with ShapeGrabber automated scanners to accurately analyze, graph and model all data points consistently and rapidly.
Every ShapeGrabber 3D scanner ships with ShapeGrabber’s SGCentral™ software as well as application software from Geomagic or Innovmetric that’s appropriate to the task. These leading laser scanning software packages power the measurement and modeling capabilities of all ShapeGrabber scanners.

Geomagic Software
Use Geomagic® software to perform analysis and measurement on the ShapeGrabber 3D scan data, or to transform laser scan data into highly accurate digital models.

PolyWorks Software
Use PolyWorks software to perform analysis and measurement of the ShapeGrabber data, or to transform laser scanner data sets into highly accurate digital models.

ShapeGrabber SGCapture is a plug-in for SmartProfile that allows users to both acquire and evaluate scan data in a single software package. SmartProfile is the preferred solution for tolerance evaluation of 3D scanner data. The software’s proprietary algorithms minimize the measurement uncertainty of the scanner data and produce CMM-like data sets. SGCapture also offers:

SGCentral Software
SGCentral™ is a user-friendly application that lets you configure scan settings, speed and resolution for ShapeGrabber scanning systems. It is included with every ShapeGrabber 3D scanner.